We offer internships at Hajipur throughout the year and at other chapters during specific periods. Interns are not provided any remuneration, food or accommodation, but will be equipped with professional skills and provided with a certificate at the end of the engagement.
Interns should be willing to work full time or part time.

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  1. The Importance of Training and People Development

    Evolution, this should be the guiding keyword for every organization, isn’t it? Even in the face of market developments, it is common for companies to hold information and arrest employees for necessity rather than motivation and delivery. Many businesses are stuck in stable monthly revenue, without major variations and apexes, because they believe that the way they are operating the money is coming in and settling into sameness.Training and developing people is the simplest, fastest and most practical way for companies to be successful in carrying out activities, internal growth and business expansion. Made up of people, the organization needs to prioritize its human capital, so that it can take advantage of each individual’s particularity, developing the right points to lead it to growth.Training an individual enables him to develop skills and gain knowledge about areas of which he has difficulty. Development is a consequence of training. Personal development is the fuel employees need to achieve professional dreams and help the company achieve its goals.Many companies still have great difficulty enforcing internal training and personal development policies. But in this article we will show that these measures are more effective and simple than they seem and, moreover, can be implemented quickly and easily, with organization and planning. Keep up!
                            By Arti kumari        

  2. The Importance of Training and People Development

    Evolution, this should be the guiding keyword for every organization, isn’t it? Even in the face of market developments, it is common for companies to hold information and arrest employees for necessity rather than motivation and delivery. Many businesses are stuck in stable monthly revenue, without major variations and apexes, because they believe that the way they are operating the money is coming in and settling into sameness.Training and developing people is the simplest, fastest and most practical way for companies to be successful in carrying out activities, internal growth and business expansion. Made up of people, the organization needs to prioritize its human capital, so that it can take advantage of each individual’s particularity, developing the right points to lead it to growth.Training an individual enables him to develop skills and gain knowledge about areas of which he has difficulty. Development is a consequence of training. Personal development is the fuel employees need to achieve professional dreams and help the company achieve its goals.Many companies still have great difficulty enforcing internal training and personal development policies. But in this article we will show that these measures are more effective and simple than they seem and, moreover, can be implemented quickly and easily, with organization and planning. Keep up!
                            By Arti kumari        

  3. The Importance of Training and People Development

    Evolution, this should be the guiding keyword for every organization, isn’t it? Even in the face of market developments, it is common for companies to hold information and arrest employees for necessity rather than motivation and delivery. Many businesses are stuck in stable monthly revenue, without major variations and apexes, because they believe that the way they are operating the money is coming in and settling into sameness.Training and developing people is the simplest, fastest and most practical way for companies to be successful in carrying out activities, internal growth and business expansion. Made up of people, the organization needs to prioritize its human capital, so that it can take advantage of each individual’s particularity, developing the right points to lead it to growth.Training an individual enables him to develop skills and gain knowledge about areas of which he has difficulty. Development is a consequence of training. Personal development is the fuel employees need to achieve professional dreams and help the company achieve its goals.Many companies still have great difficulty enforcing internal training and personal development policies. But in this article we will show that these measures are more effective and simple than they seem and, moreover, can be implemented quickly and easily, with organization and planning. Keep up!
                            By Arti kumari        


    Harmony and management is the secret principal that controls life - be it at the personal or organisational level .Harmony & management manifests itself in good judgement and in the organizational context it means the efficiency or effectiveness of taking right decisions timely and avoiding organizational confrontation and conflict. Conflicts are a natural ingredient of any organisation but do not mean there has to be conflict for good management. A man who cannot get along with others is a man who cannot get along with himself .One who finds faults with others does not have high regard for himself and this loss of self esteem is a cause of disharmony and conflicts in organizations .Things are not as they appear to be , thanks to the limited scope of human perception! Instead of getting intimidated by organizational environments and circumstances if you first harmonise the situation with discriminative wisdom in your mind , the outcome will take care of itself ! A harmonized mind produces harmony in the world of seeming disharmony ; Harmony is a prolific source of power . This is true of any type of organization - any structure that has interacting parts ,from nature as a whole to human relationships to corporate businesses and spiritual societies . Harmony i& management is the soul of an organisation ; disharmony is death .key words ; Harmony in organizations, conflict resolution, ingredients, Management plays crucial role in making business environment healthy as they manage people as well as workers in a very effective ways to maintain healthy & balanced atmosphere for the people to work .


    "Corporate culture matters .
    how management chooses to treat its people impact everything for
    better or for worse "
    -Simon Sinek
    The employee performance appraisal is an important career development tool for the manager and employee . The manager can help guide employee gets a clear understanding of what is expected from them in their daily job duties .Performance appraisals have a wide variety of effects on employees that managers must identify and understand .performance appraisal helping the management to understand where the employee are lacking and they can assist them in improving their work.When carried out effectively,PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL can improve employee morale,productivity and job satisfaction.They also also provide valuable insights that managers can use to spot talent and identify their staff training needs.

    An employee performance appraisal can act as motivation for an employee to improve his productivity. when employee sees his goal clearly defined, his performance challenges identified and career development solution in place to help advance his career.The effect is to motivate the employee to achieve those goals.
    Employees perform their job duties to the best of their abilities throughout the year based on guidance from management. Part of a performance appraisal is when a manager and employee review the job description and compare the employee's performance with expectations. This gives the employee a feeling of clarity and understanding that will help him better perform his job duties.
    To prepare for the annual review, a manager should keep notes of all of the employee's accomplishments and challenges throughout the year.When these are presented to the employee during the appraisal, it gives the employee the opportunity to benefit from her accomplishments and accept responsibility for the performance challenges.
    During a performance appraisal, a manager needs to take time to show the employee how his performance affects the productivity of the entire organization. When employees understand how their performance affects the ability of others to do their jobs, it helps put his own job duties into an overall company context. It helps improve the notion of teamwork among the staff, and can also encourage cooperation to achieve corporate goals.
    BY-Arti kumari


    In the last few decades, there has been a paradigm shift in the management approach followed by the organizations. Earlier the focus was on the functions like planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating then moving on to attendance, payroll, recruitment, etc. However, over the years, the principles have evolved and the focus has shifted on managing the employees than supervising them. With this shift in the management approach, there has been a subsequent shift in the role played by HR in the organization as well. An HR manager now wears multiple hats; these roles vary based on the need of the hour from being an employee advocate, a change agent and a strategic partner. Let's look at each of these roles and understand how they play their individual part in an organization.

    Employee Advocate

    An HR manager plays a vital role in the organization's strategic planning that is directly aligned to their vision. This includes their advocacy/relationship with the employees as that determines the success rate of the organization through the employee's commitment and productivity.

    Change Agent

    Besides the fact that the HR Manager's major role is of hiring, training, monitoring and observing the performance of her/his team; it also plays a very important role of a change agent. Change Management is essential for every step in an organization. If you want to meet the sales target that has been set, change management helps. If a new strategy needs to be executed, change management is required.

    Strategic Partner

    A joint 2015 survey by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and fellow HR and Labor organizations titled "Human Resources Management Policies and Practices in the United States" shows that executives want HR teams to step up.

    The report surveyed close to 700 executives in organizations with more than 200 employees and found that 70 percent of respondents said that "HR has a place on the board of directors," compared to just 41 percent in 2004. This is where a strategy partner comes into the picture. A strategy partner is the biggest transformation of the HR role in the new era.


    Every HR professional knows the job is not an easy one. In most cases, practitioners rely heavily on past experiences to carry-out their daily responsibilities. But as the world continues to change and the HR space takes on an entirely different feel than it once had, professionals are constantly looking for the best skills to list on their resume. Honing those abilities is important to both their future and the future of the organization.


    When HR professionals are looking at new opportunities, no doubt the one skill most-often requested is communication. And with good reason. Communication is paramount to the job. HR practitioners are the link between the business and the employee.

    Behind communication, HR professionals need to possess the ability to read an analyze data. It’s imperative because practitioners are expected to leverage data to make better decisions.

    While this skill is important regardless of the times, it is particularly essential right now given the reality in which human resources finds itself. Most organizations are struggling to find talent to fill, not just critical roles, but also day-to-day openings across the organization.

    Human resources is well into its digital age. More and more process are being automated or augmented by technology. HR professionals need to have a basic understanding of technology, how it can help the company and how to implement it. HR technology is a strong predictor of who has the competitive advantage in the industry/market.

    This is essential because potential and current employees in today’s working environment allow emotion to be a large part of their decision-making process when it comes to their employer and their daily lives. There are lots of examples where emotional intelligence plays a part whether realized or unrealized.


    If you have a job, odds are good that there’s a lot about it that you don’t like. At least that’s the finding of business consultant Tony Schwartz and Georgetown University professor Christine Porath. In their New York Times Sunday Review article “Why You Hate Work,” they offer data and other observations that suggest, “for most of us…work is a depleting, dispiriting experience, and in some obvious ways, it’s getting worse.”

    Some factors behind this widespread dissatisfaction include work demands exceeding the time available, other pressures springing from a less than robust economy, and the rise digital technology, which can make us feel constantly obligated to respond to new information, requests, and problems.

    What, then, makes for a satisfying work experience? According to research the authors conducted both in partnership with The Harvard Business Review and with their own clients,

    Employees are vastly more satisfied and productive, it turns out, when four of their core needs are met: physical, through opportunities to regularly renew and recharge at work; emotional, by feeling valued and appreciated for their contributions; mental, when they have the opportunity to focus in an absorbed way on their most important tasks and define when and where they get their work done; and spiritual, by doing more of what they do best and enjoy most, and by feeling connected to a higher purpose at work.


    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

    Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

    The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face. At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19.
    Since the first report of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Wuhan, China, it has spread to at least 100 other countries. As China initiated its response to the virus, it leaned on its strong technology sector and specifically artificial intelligence (AI), data science, and technology to track and fight the pandemic . Here are 10 ways artificial intelligence, data science, and technology are being used to manage and fight COVID-19.and more accelerated their company's healthcare initiatives.

    1) AI to identify, track and forecast outbreaks: The better we can track the virus, the better we can fight it.Tracking infectious disease risks by using AI is exactly the service Canadian startup BlueDot provides.
    2) AI to help diagnose the virus: Artificial intelligence company Infervision launched a coronavirus AI solution that helps front-line healthcare workers detect and monitor the disease efficiently. Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba also built an AI-powered diagnosis system they claim is 96% accurate at diagnosing the virus in seconds.
    3) Drones deliver medical supplies: One of the safest and fastest ways to get medical supplies where they need to go during a disease outbreak is with drone delivery.Drones are using its unmanned aerial vehicles to transport medical samples and quarantine material with minimal risk .Drones also are used to patrol public spaces, track non-compliance to quarantine mandates, and for thermal imaging.
    4) Supercomputers working on a coronavirus vaccine:The cloud computing resources and supercomputers of several major tech companies such as Tencent, DiDi, and Huawei are being used by researchers to fast-track the development of a cure or vaccine for the virus.
    5) AI to identify non-compliance or infected individuals: While certainly a controversial use of technology and AI, China’s sophisticated surveillance system used facial recognition technology and temperature detection software from SenseTime to identify people who might have a fever and be more likely to have the virus."Smart helmets" used by officials in Sichuan province to identify people with fevers. The Chinese government has also developed a monitoring system called Health Code that uses big data to identify and assesses the risk of each individual based on their travel history, how much time they have spent in virus hotspots, and potential exposure to people carrying the virus.

    In a global pandemic such as COVID-19, technology, artificial intelligence, and data science have become critical to helping societies effectively deal with the outbreak.


    Old saying ''prevention is better than cure''
    Each day we hear about more people testing positive for COVID-19 in our county, the United States and throughout the world.

    The virus that causes COVID-19 can spread from person to person through droplets that are expelled into the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. If you are nearby, these droplets can enter your body through the nose, mouth or lungs.

    Recent studies suggest that COVID-19 may be spread by people who show no symptoms, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That is why it is extremely important to take the necessary precautions to stop the spread of this virus.How to limit the spread of COVID-19 with social distancing:
    Stay home
    Avoid public spaces and social gatherings
    Stay at least 6 feet away from others if you must go out
    Wear a homemade cloth or fabric mask in public
    Don't attend or host gatherings
    Avoid mass transit
    Consider using delivery services for groceries, medications and other household items
    To slow the spread of COVID-19 to a manageable level for hospitals and healthcare providers, Gov. Tom Wolf recently extended a stay-at-home order to all Pennsylvanians through April 30.

    The stay-at-home-order asks Pennsylvanians to refrain from non-essential travel. Essential travel includes commuting to and from an essential job, picking up groceries and medicine and checking on family and pets in other households, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Health.One of the most recommended preventive measures, in order to curb the rising coronavirus pandemic, is to stay home and stay safe. Here are some positive stay home, stay safe quotes for you.Earlier few months back ,search engine giant Google joined in the effort to help contain the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic world over with a doodle and a message that read - Stay Home. Save Lives: Help Stop Coronavirus. The deadly COVID-19, which has dominated headlines since the start of the year, has affected over 13,986,208 people worldwide and caused over 593,520 deaths so far globally.One of the most recommended preventive measures suggested by the World Health Organisation (WHO), doctors and experts worldwide is social distancing and self-isolation. This way you can escape those who exhibit symptoms. Several countries, including India, enforced strict lockdowns lasting up to a month, urging people to stay at home as much as possible.The coronavirus pandemic has led to unprecedented panic across the world.It has taken a toll on people's mental health. It is easy to get demotivated with the current global crisis which leads to stress and anxiety. But hope must not be lost. Keeping each other, family and friends positive during distressing times is important even when it is understandable to panic at this time.
    Here are some stay safe, stay home positive messages to spread hope during the pandemic. Share positive words with your loved ones and count your blessings and remember, this too shall pass.

    1) Nothing lasts forever. Not even the coronavirus. So stay home, stay safe and fight hard.
    2)Stay home, stay safe – the only medicine found till now for coronavirus.
    3)You’re braver than you believe and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think - so follow guidelines and stay home to stay safe.
    4)Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. Stay positive, stay home and save lives.
    5)Positive anything is better than negative nothing - except the coronavirus. So stay home and help flatten the curve.


    Human resources are undoubtedly the key resources in an organization, the easiest and the most difficult to manage! To this effect Human resource management is responsible for effective designing and implementation of various policies, procedures and programs. Considering the intricacies involved, the scope of HRM is widening with every passing day. It covers but is not limited to HR planning, hiring (recruitment and selection), training and development, payroll management, rewards and recognitions, Industrial relations, grievance handling, legal procedures etc. In other words, we can say that it’s about developing and managing harmonious relationships at workplace and striking a balance between organizational goals and individual goals.

    The scope of HRM is extensive and far-reaching.Therefore, it is very difficult to define it concisely. However, we may classify the same under following heads:
    1)HRM in Personnel Management: This is typically direct manpower management that involves manpower planning, hiring (recruitment and selection), training and development, induction and orientation, transfer, promotion, compensation, layoff and retrenchment, employee productivity.
    2)HRM in Employee Welfare: This particular aspect of HRM deals with working conditions and amenities at workplace. This includes a wide array of responsibilities and services such as safety services, health services, welfare funds, social security and medical services.
    3)HRM in Industrial Relations: Since it is a highly sensitive area, it needs careful interactions with labor or employee unions, addressing their grievances and settling the disputes effectively in order to maintain peace and harmony in the organization.


    It's a relatively common perception that leadership traits fall in line with gender differences. A large body of research demonstrates this to be mostly true. Men tend to be thought of as decisive, direct, strong and logical leaders. Women, on the other hand, tend to be seen as community-driven, compassionate, patient and trustworthy leaders.While more women are slowly rising up the ranks in corporate America, there are still massive gaps in the number of women who hold top-level positions. While this still seems very low (since women make up more than 49% of the world's population, according to World Bank estimates), the good news is that the balance is shifting, and more women are taking positions of power and leadership on both the world and corporate stages.

    Despite these still rather abysmal numbers, there are a handful of traditionally female traits that both men and women can leverage and use to become great leaders.
    EMPATHY: Empathy is traditionally seen as a feminine characteristic. However, according to a study by Development Dimensions International, a global leadership consulting firm, it is the single most important leadership trait that helps guarantee overall success.You've probably heard the adage that a rising tide lifts all boats, right? Empathy makes a great leadership quality because it offers employees and customers alike the opportunity to feel heard.
    HUMILITY: Women generally don't like to toot their own horns, thus humility is often considered a characteristically female leadership trait. Unfortunately, corporate America often conflates confidence with competence because, as the Harvard Business Review notes, people generally confuse displays of confidence as shows of competence. Humility, on the other hand, allows a leader's humanity to peek through, and that inspires people to follow.

    Not only does humility inspire "followship," but it also tends to help organizations focus more pointedly on their overarching goals.
    PERSUASIVENESS: Another female leadership trait is persuasiveness. A 2005 yearlong study from Caliper of more than 300 women leaders at major firms around the world showed that women tend to be more persuasive than men – thanks, in large part, to their humility and empathy.

    According to the study, women tend to be more attuned to situations, which means they are able to accurately take in information on all sides, synthesize it and incorporate it into a larger solution.
    ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT: According to that same Caliper study, females tend to be more willing to take small risks than male leaders. This is largely a result of women's willingness to reinvent the rules and turn challenges into opportunities.

    Women are often willing to flex the rules to get things done. Part of this impetus is a result of the willingness to pursue a more fulfilling workplace and life.
    RESILIENCE: Women, in general, tend to bounce back slightly quicker than men in the face of adversity. A study from the payment management company Paymentsense shows that women, in general, handle (and bounce back) from stress more effectively than men. That means when the chips are down, women tend to move past the initial stress more quickly and effectively than men.


    The world is facing an unprecedented crisis with the highly contagious COVID-19 hitting major economies across the world in rapid succession. As on June 30, 2020, COVID-19 has had 5,82,147 people infected in India, claiming 17,322 lives.

    India imposed a strict lockdown from March 25, 2020 to control the effect of COVID-19 pandemic. Economy was under complete standstill in April and was partially resumed with restrictions on various activities in May as the Government made a courageous choice of supporting livelihoods. In June 2020, country entered the unlocking phase and witnessed green shoots in the economy.Total digital retail financial transactions via National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) platforms increased sharply from Rs 6.71 lakh crore (US$ 95.19 billion) in April 2020 to Rs 9.65 lakh crore (US$ 136.90 billion) in May 2020.
    Government of India introduced Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana to provide immediate cash support to the needy. More than 42 crore poor people have so far received financial assistance of Rs 65,454 crore (US$ 9.29 billion) under the scheme.In May 2020, Government, adding to its past measures and that of RBI (Reserve Bank of India), announced a consolidated stimulus package of Rs 20 lakh crore (US$ 283.73 billion). The stimulus package was pivoted on “Atma Nirbhar Bharat”, wherein Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) received a huge financial package in terms of collateral free debt, guarantee for subordinate debt through Funds-of-Funds, and interest subvention scheme.Government also introduced Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan, a rural infrastructure and employment generation scheme, for the benefit of returnee migrants.
    India’s real GDP growth rate was 4.2 per cent in 2019-20 as per the provisional estimates released by National Statistical Office (NSO) compared to 6.1 per cent recorded in the previous year. Nominal GDP for the year was estimated at Rs 203.4 lakh crore (US$ 2.88 trillion), lower compared to the budget estimates.

    The growth of real Gross Value Added (GVA) at basic price was 3.9 per cent in 2019-20 (provisional estimates) compared to 6.0 per cent in 2018-19 (revised estimates).

    The share of total final consumption (private and public consumption) in GDP at current prices was estimated at 72.0 per cent in 2019-20 compared to 70.4 per cent in 2018-19.
    India’s trade deficit stood at US$ 3.1 billion in May 2020, the lowest recorded trade deficit since February 2009. Compared to April 2020, trade deficit narrowed during May with export improving over import. India’s overall export (Merchandise and Services combined) in April-May 2020-21 stood at US$ 61.57 billion, declining 33.66 per cent over the same period last year. Overall import was around US$ 57.19 billion in April-May 2020-21, declining 48.31 per cent over the same period last year.

    Fixed investment rate (ratio of gross fixed capital formation to GDP) was estimated at 27.5 per cent in 2019-20 compared to 29.0 per cent in 2018-19. The growth in real fixed investment was estimated to decline 0.6 per cent in 2019-20 compared to 9.8 per cent in 2018-19.


    Chairman of Poonawalla Group Cyrus Poonawalla has said that the company’s Serum Institute of India (SII), which has partnered Oxford University and its partner AstraZeneca to manufacture the vaccine, will mass-produce one billion doses. Poonawalla said that the likely cost of the Coronavirus vaccine will be Rs 1000 per dose.Scientists have genetically modified a “mild virus” which generates antibodies in humans just like the novel coronavirus, but without causing severe disease, an advance which they say will enable more labs across the world to safely test drugs and vaccine candidates against COVID-19. The researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis in the US-engineered the mildly infecting vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) which virologists widely use in experiments by swapping one of its genes for one from the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. According to the study, published in the journal Cell Host and Microbe, the resulting hybrid virus infects cells, and is recognized by antibodies in humans just like SARS-CoV-2, but can be handled under ordinary laboratory safety conditions.Meanwhile, India’s two potential Coronavirus vaccines are in phase 1 and 2 of trials. Discussions have already begun how will the vaccines be made available to all those who need it, VK Paul, Member (Health), NITI Aayog said. The human trials of India’s indigenous COVAXIN are beginning in AIIMS-Delhi, Redkar Hospital in Goa, and Bhubaneswar’s Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital. The clinical trials of the potential vaccine, which is being developed by the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR), Bharat Biotech International Limited (BBIL), and National Institute of Virology, Pune, has begun at AIIMS Patna and PGI Rohtak .The end of the year 2020 rollout of the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca’s potential Coronavirus COVID vaccine is a possibility but not a certainty, claimed lead developer Sarah Gilbert, as per Reuters report. Oxford-AstraZeneca’s endeavour to develop a potential Coronavirus vaccine has been a ray of hope. On July 20, UK-based medical journal, ‘The Lancet’ published the results of the 1/2 of the Oxford Coronavirus COVID Vaccine trial. The report stated that the potential coronavirus vaccine candidate “safe, well-tolerated and immunogenic.” Oxford-AstraZeneca has already tied up with nine firms across the world to manufacture the vaccine when it is ready.China’s Sinovac has tied up with Butantan Institute of Brazil to initiate a three-month large scale test of a coronavirus vaccine. As many as 30 million Brazilians will be vaccinated. Bangladesh has also given approval to Sinovac for conducting human trials in Dhaka. Russia’s military has said its coronavirus vaccine is ready days after Moscow had revealed that potential COVID19 vaccine was tested and found safe.In fact, Moderna is the first organization to start the human trials of the vaccine candidate on March 16, 5 days after WHO had termed Coronavirus as “pandemic”. The initial results have shown early promise. The firm will begin Phase 3 trials with 30,000 on July 27.


    While record- breaking rain might be to blame for severe floods , poor planning and management are culprits too.The government spends more on compensation after floods than it does on prevention.government agencies need to adapt forecasting techniques to factor extreme weather patterns.Rampant mining and quarrying, especially in hilly regions,brings landslides while riverbed sand-mining extends the flood affected areas. A 2017 CAG (Comptroller and Auditor General) report found that of the 219 planned telemetry stations, used to forecast floods,only 56 were set up and 60% of existing stations didn't work.
    India's political spectrum has undergone rapid transition over the last 65 years. Governments changed, leaders rose and fell, parties were formed and exterminated, issues and priorities too saw a sea of change, but what remains an eyesore is that despite their annual nature, floods continue to maim states, claim hundreds of lives and ravage valuable resources.

    Whether it is Assam and Arunachal Pradesh in the Northeast, Bihar, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh in the Gangetic plains, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and J&K in the hills, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh in Central India or the southern states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, the story is the same.
    Solution – Mitigation & Rehabilitation
    The solution to the problem of recurrent floods lies in mitigation and rehabilitation measures. Some of the important measures are given below.
    i. Mapping of the flood prone areas is a primary step involved in reducing the risk of the region. Historical records give the indication of the flood inundation areas and the period of occurrence and the extent of the coverage.

    ii. Land use control will reduce danger of life and property when waters inundate the flood plains and the coastal areas.

    iii. The number of casualties is related to the population in the area at risk. Hence, in areas where people already have built their settlements, measures should be taken to relocate to better sites so as to reduce vulnerability.
    iv. No major development should be permitted in the areas which are subjected to high flooding. Important facilities like hospitals, schools should be built in safe areas. In urban areas, water holding areas can be created like ponds, lakes or low-lying areas.

    v. The buildings should be constructed on an elevated area. If necessary build on stilts or platform.


    Gender equality is a human right, but our world faces a persistent gap in access to opportunities and decision-making power for women and men.
    The very notion of gender equality entails the belief that injustice is associated with the very definition of the concept. It is imperative that we reflect on this association. Injustice arises out of society’s inability to accept the fact that men and women should be equal.It is important to take care of our increasingly volatile planet, but more importantly it is to take care of the people who live on it.Globally, women have fewer opportunities for economic participation than men, less access to basic and higher education, greater health and safety risks, and less political representation.
    Defending equality between men and women, or boys and girls, is as important as combating domestic violence, or empowering low-income groups. Teaching that rights should be equal, as well as opportunities and performance, are mandatory themes, reminding us that the road to true equality is still long.Guaranteeing the rights of women and giving them opportunities to reach their full potential is critical not only for attaining gender equality, but also for meeting a wide range of international development goals. Empowered women and girls contribute to the health and productivity of their families, communities, and countries, creating a ripple effect that benefits everyone.Gender equality means that men and women have equal power and equal opportunities for financial independence, education, and personal development.Women's empowerment is a critical aspect of achieving gender equality. It includes increasing a woman's sense of self-worth, her decision-making power, her access to opportunities and resources, her power and control over her own life inside and outside the home, and her ability to effect change.Education is a key area of focus. Although the world is making progress in achieving gender parity in education, girls still make up a higher percentage of out-of-school children than boys.
    Globally, no country has fully attained gender equality.Scandinavian countries like Iceland, Norway, Finland, and Sweden lead the world in their progress toward closing the gender gap.In these countries, there is relatively equitable distribution of available income, resources, and opportunities for men and women. The greatest gender gaps are identified primarily in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia.
    Around the world, Peace Corps Volunteers are working with communities to address gender equality and empower women and girls. In 1974, Congress signed the Percy Amendment requiring Peace Corps Volunteers to actively integrate women into the economic, political, and social development of their countries.



    Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to technology used to do a task that requires some level of intelligence to accomplish — in other
    words, a tool trained to do what a human can do. Why is AI different than ordinary software? Three core components — high-speed
    computation, a huge amount of quality data and advanced algorithms differentiate AI from ordinary software. Core AI technologies
    provide better accuracy and stability to everyday processes using an algorithm that connects quality data with fast computation
    AI technologies offer significant opportunities to improve HR functions, such as self-service transactions, recruiting and talent
    acquisition, payroll, reporting, access policies and procedures. We are living in an era in which AI capabilities are reaching new
    heights and have a major impact on how we operate our business. Human resources executives have faith that merging AI into HR
    administration functions will benefit and improve the overall employee experience. This will provide more capacity, more time and
    budget, and more accurate information for decisive people management.
    The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies is transforming the industrial sectors to an appreciable level. McKinsey’s latest forecast of AI’s impact on the global economy is that AI will generate $13 trillion in global economic activity by 2030.
    The HR department is not left behind the race. The HR professionals today are focusing to optimize the combination of human and automated work to gain a simple, seamless, and intuitive work environment. It provides them time for creativity, intelligence, and empathy to deliver an enhanced candidate and employee experience.The influence of AI is more felt in the talent acquisition processes like screening of prospective candidates,recording and maintaining the database ,automating interview schedules, sending a message, answering a job seekers' queries, and more.It helps in preliminary mundane tasks.The results are significant ,measurable and immediate.It reduces the hiring time and increases productivity for HR professionals.AI- based HR applications raise employee productivity.It has the ability to analyse, predict and diagnose and become a more capable resource while focusing on employee needs and outcomes.
    However , there are challenges like privacy, talent gap, maintenance, integration capabilities or limited proven applications.But exercising proper caution while deploying AI services will solve unnecessary issues.


    Blame it on the pandemic and the border dispute in the Himalayan regional territory of Ladakh, but the result is the same: some Indian businesses are boycotting China.
    Earlier this month, over 50 Chinese apps were banned, including popular consumer apps like WeChat, TikTok and Baidu Maps. India is in a dispute with China, and now many small business owners, and even the government, are working to turn away from Made in China.
    The call to boycott 'Made in China' products comes at a time when the government is promoting a campaign to make the country self-reliant under the Aatmanirbhar Bharat mission.The survey, conducted by LocalCircles, received 32,000 responses from citizens spread across 235 districts. More than 8,000 responses were received for the question “Would you boycott buying Chinese products for next year? and an overwhelming majority of them were ready to stop buying Chinese products. 87% of the 8,000 respondents said they were ready to boycott all Chinese made goods for the next one year.

    When asked if they are willing to boycott buying/using products and services of chinese company like Xiaomi , Oppo,Vivo ,One Plus , Club Factory, Aliexpress, Shein , Tik-Tok, WeChat etc.effective immediately,58% of those surveyed said 'yes, won't buy from now', while 39% said 'yes, won't buy from now but have to use what i have already purchased'.
    In the wake of the Pulwama terrorist attack, the government of India had imposed an import duty of 200% on goods from Pakistan. However, India's substantial reliance on goods and components manufactured in China may have a counter-effect if import duty is imposed.


  19. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act as we cope with life. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood and aging.
    There are many factors which can affect our mental health:
    Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry
    Life experiences, such as trauma or abuse
    Family history of mental health problems
    Your lifestyle, such as diet, physical activity, and substance use
    Over time, your mental health can change. For example, you may be dealing with a difficult situation, such as trying to manage a chronic illness, taking care of an ill relative, or facing money problems. The situation may wear you out and overwhelm your ability to cope with it. This can worsen your mental health. On the other hand, getting therapy may improve your mental health.Anyone can suffer from mental or emotional health problems—and over a lifetime most of us will. This year alone, about one in five of us will suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder. Yet, despite how common mental health problems are, many of us make no effort to improve our situation.We hope that our situation will eventually improve on its own. Or we simply give- up telling ourselves this is “just the way we are.”
    The good news is: you don’t have to feel bad. There are practices you can adopt to elevate your mood, become more resilient, and enjoy life more. But just as it requires effort to build and maintain physical health, so it is with mental health. We have to work harder these days to ensure strong mental health, simply because there are so many ways that life takes a toll on our emotional well-being.Loneliness can have a staggering impact on one’s mental and emotional health, as well as one’s physical health—one study discovered that loneliness had the same impact on one’s life span as obesity and smoking. Loneliness, the study found, shortened a person’s life by 15 years.It’s important to remember that asking family members or friends for help if you’re struggling isn’t a sign of weakness, but rather strength. There should be no shame or embarrassment in asking for help. After all, being open and honest with your loved ones can help you begin the process of healing. Exercise can improve your sleep, make you feel more relaxed and increase your body’s production of endorphins (often referred to as the feel-good hormones), which can improve your mood.Perhaps you’ve read about the benefits of meditation, but you either don’t have time to meditate or you don’t think it’s right for you.The goal of mindfulness meditation is to be more present instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. One great way to combat negative thinking is by practicing gratitude.

    There are countless ways to practice gratitude each day. One simple and effective way is by journaling each morning or evening. Spend 10 or 15 minutes journaling about the things you’re thankful for, both small and large. there is nothing in this world which we can't do , we just need to look forward towards life with grace and positivity.


    India seems to have the biggest pools of unemployed people in the world. The prospect of getting a job for those who are unemployed will be an important issue in the General Elections 2019.The unemployed who want jobs and are willing to work are increasingly getting disappointed. This also has a grievous psychological impact on their minds which is manifesting itself in diverse ways. The unemployment rate has been rising almost steadily since last year.The reasons for the rise in unemployment are many. One of the main reasons is that the Indian economy is not witnessing a sustained rate of high growth because investment is subdued and the manufacturing sector, which creates the maximum jobs, is growing at a snail’s pace.It seems that jobs in both the private and public sectors are shrinking. Corporate India is hiring less because of slower than expected recovery. Around 6 out of 10 new corporate jobs were due to industrial hiring. But due to the slow growth in major industries in the last three years, the headcount has been up by only 0.5 per cent. Also non-banking finance companies and retail banks that were top job creators in the last three years are faced with the present liquidity crisis which will force them to hire less.In the agricultural sector, young people wanting to leave farming and work in towns and cities are getting more and more disappointed. Around 16 per cent of educated youth are unemployed today. This is particularly severe in the northern States.India also has mostly poor quality jobs and hence training is needed for people to get better jobs. Skill certification is needed as well as a focused industrial policy and a national employment policy. There is also need to foster domestic competition and protect domestic industries against foreign competition. This is necessary because many of our small scale industries have been destroyed by the huge influx of Chinese products. The government has to promote vigorous export promotion and undertake some import substitution.
    The coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has led to a spike in the country’s unemployment rate to 27.11% for the week ended May 3, up from the under 7% level before the start of the pandemic in mid-March, the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) has said. The Mumbai-based think tank said the rate of unemployment was the highest in the urban areas, which constitute the most number of the red zones due to the coronavirus cases, at 29.22%, as against 26.69% for the rural areas.In 2018,the unemployment rate in India is estimated to be 5.33% and in 2019 it increases to 5.36.

  21. ''In today’s age, gender cannot be a criteria for promotion. If women are physically fit and want to serve in combat roles,why stop them?''
    -Serving Lt Col woman officer
    The Supreme Court today gave the go ahead for female army officers to serve in command roles. Women in the forces had earlier asked to be judged on performance, not gender .This comes days after the Centre told the Supreme Court that women were not suitable for commanding posts in the Army because male troops were not yet ready to accept them as officers, many women in the armed forces, both serving and retired, have come out to say that performance, and not gender, should be a criteria to decide who rises in the ranks .
    The apex court nudged the government to test women “on the same footing as men” while urging a “change of mindset”. Women officers agree. “The Centre’s mindset comes across as patriarchal. When women can lead Republic Day parade, why can’t they lead battalions?
    Women, of course, are not allowed to serve in combat arms like Infantry, Armoured Corps, Artillery and Mechanised Infantry. When it comes to permanent commission in India, the government in 2019 allowed it for women in 10 branches – Army Education Corps, Judge Advocate General, Signals, Army Aviation, Army Air Defence, Electronics, Army Service Corps,Mechanical Engineers, Army Ordnance Corps and Intelligence.One of the petitioners to fight the legal battle against gender discrimination in Armed forces was Wing Commander (retd) Anupama Joshi. One of the first women to join IAF in 1992, she said, “It’s absolutely disheartening. Don’t constabulary and jawans hail from the same society? When they can take orders from a woman, why do they think things will be different in Army?''
    Women officers are allowed in all branches in IAF, including as fighter and helicopter pilots. In Navy, SSC has been applicable in all non-sea going branches. In Naval Armament ,women officers under SSC are eligible for permanent commission. Quite a few male officers agree. “While we can’t expect overnight change, Army is gradually getting used to women in many posts. They have excelled in several roles and proven their worth. There are some situations where we may need to approach such appointments with caution but overall we shouldn’t keep away from inducting women in combat roles,” said Brig K G Behl (retd).
    A senior Army officer, on being contacted, said, “Women officers will be given all suitable assignments as deemed fit. All decisions taken towards the smooth integration of women in various assigned roles will be taken in the best interest of the individuals and the organisation.”


    Every day on social media it seems, we are hearing about women being victimized.When you think about self-defense, you rarely if ever think of a woman defending herself. At least for me, I know it was something I never thought about. After all, I have father,brother that will defend me if need be, right?However, what happens when I’m driving home from work by myself and need to fill up my gas tank? How about if I’m walking out to my vehicle with my hands full of groceries, and some one approaches me?The truth is we don’t think about attacks enough, because we want to believe that people are inherently good and wouldn’t hurt us.
    According to the Criminal Victimization Bulletin in 2014, statistical analysis by the Bureau of Justice Statistics found that “U.S. residents ages 12 and over experienced an estimated 5.4 million violent victimizations.” ( Violent victimizations include rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault.
    1) “In 2010, females experienced 270,000 rape or sexual assault victimizations at a rate of about two victimizations per 1,000 females age 12 or older.”
    2) “In 2005-10, 78 percent of sexual violence involved an offender who was a family member, intimate partner, friend or acquaintance.
    These statistics should tell us something very important; that women are not being equipped to defend themselves against an attacker.
    The data paints a dark picture, but it is something we can and should do something about.There are so many stories of women who face sexual violence or a random attack by stranger as well as being abused in some way, In fact, many women who start training in self -defense usually choose to begin after they have been the victim of some kind of assault.
    The world is changing and becoming more unpredictable. As such , self-defense training is must for every women's to-do list Due to upward crime graph against women, self -defense training is not only required but also suggested, so that they can resist any kind of sexual assault as well as random attacks.
    Self-defense helps women protect themselves and their family. In my opinion, this is the most important reason for women to learn self-defense, because it is the difference between life and death. While men are touted as the stronger sex, jujitsu is a small man’s sport. Meaning, even though women are smaller and not as strong, this discipline helps women use their opponent’s mechanics against them, such as their height, weight, and even strength.Learning self-defense provides the user with skill to avoid being hurt or injured in an attack. While this doesn’t guarantee safety, it does reduce the risk exponentially in an attack. In a situation where you are fighting for your life, the life of a friend, or even your own children, understanding how to defend yourself can save your life and others.Martial arts give confidence that no one could question or take away.The great thing about self-defense is that everyone can benefit from it. It does not discriminate against sex, age, physical ability, or societal stigma.It helps to reduce dependency on others.When you can protect yourself then you don't need anyone else to fight for you,you can do it by yourself and that will increase your inner worth.Self-defence, especially for women, is of utmost importance in the kind of the world we live in today. Women, usually referred as the weaker sex, are considered easier targets. In a country like India where the cases of gender violence are on rise, out of which many go unreported, self-defence for women has become a necessity more than ever.
    As females are part of society and they have rights to live life without fear. Girls and women always have an image of weak strength without power. In that case, they need to be powerful with some art to defend themselves.


    Since 2015 the number of women in senior leadership in business has grown and diversity in leadership is good for business;
    Beyond business, female leaders from across generations are working together to find new solutions to the world's biggest problems;
    The tech sector must attract more women to unlock the potential of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and ensure technology is developed from a balanced perspective.
    In an ideal world, it shouldn’t matter whether there’s a woman running the IMF, Microsoft or the Democratic Party. Does an SME owner or tech start-up care that it’s a woman who makes finance more accessible? If a miner, factory worker or fisherman gets a better share of the profits and can send his or her children to school, are they bothered that a woman made it possible?
    Bush fires, burst riverbanks, melting icecaps, fatbergs, plastic islands and species extinction: none of these considers the sex of the perpetrators or decision-makers. Yet, encouraging more women into leadership positions remains critical in our era and given the fast-approaching challenges of the future.The overall number of women in top business roles is still painfully low – only 5% of CEOs of major corporations in the US are women – but there are reasons for optimism. Since 2015 the number of women in senior leadership has grown, particularly in the C-suite where the representation of women has increased from 17% to 21%. Today, 44% of companies have three or more women in their C-suite, up from 29% of companies in 2015. Corporate America scores much lower than France or Norway, where businesses average more than 40% female representation on a board of directors.Evolving job needs are empowering women and
    the playing field. The new service economy doesn’t rely on physical strength but skills that come easily to women, such as determination, attention to detail and measured thinking. The female brain is naturally wired for long-term strategic vision and community building.Organizations need to ensure there are sufficient rungs on the ladder to help women climb into management positions. We need to be open-minded enough to bring in female leaders from other industries, who don’t have a tech background. We need to work closely with schools and universities to win the argument that tech isn’t just a male career path.
    Ultimately, the problems we face are not technological, but human – the human system is broken. People should always be appointed on merit and the electorate must decide, but more still needs to be done to give all women the best possible chance of rising to the top. If that happens, then I’ll be the first to say that who’s in charge doesn’t matter a jot.


    As science and technology have evolved, our lifestyle experienced changes. From the first telephone to the first medical drug, every invention and innovation has significantly affected the lifestyle across the globe. And the same is applicable for the internet as well. Since the first internet connections were laid in the late 1950s, the world has undergone a sea of changes, thanks to the power of the World Wide Web.From the basic needs to the utmost luxuries, almost every facet of our lifestyle is now impacted by the internet. And as we go towards the future, the dependence on the internet and its role in our life are expected to grow more.
    The world is now a global city and the internet is in a lot way responsible for that. With the power of web and smartphones, we can now connect with anyone, anytime from anywhere.
    No one would have ever imagined that businesses could be performed across the globe through a computer, but the internet has made it possible. With the advent of information technology, more and more people are using it as a great platform to promote their goods and services.
    Technology has made the world a small place and you can easily bank on this factor to give a big boost to your business.
    With the advent of the internet today, even education is now possible from the comforts of your home. All over the world, online education has brought a revolution in the field of education and knowledge sharing. If you have an internet connection and a computer, you can easily enroll in an online education program.In covid-19 situation internet are playing significiant role by making access to online education for the students.
    The internet has revolutionized the concept of shopping in our lives. Well, there are lots of places and shops where you can go to buy your favorite items. But, is it possible for you to visit all of these places at a single time? No, it is not possible in real life. But, the internet has made it possible where you can choose and buy a product from different sellers at the same time. From the necessities to the luxuries, you get to shop everything online.The internet now acts as a one-stop guide to all the information and queries about beauty, style, fashion, lifestyle, personal grooming and more.
    There are lots of websites that provide professional and expert information and tips on various aspects that may be required to glam up one’s look and personality. Starting from the basic beauty care tips and cosmetic makeovers to the latest cosmetic surgeries that are available, you can get information about almost everything.Getting a job now has become easier, thanks to the internet. There are numerous sites that offer you the scope to search for your favorite job. You can get useful information about job opportunities and detailed information about job scenario. The job prospects for the overseas market, the most coveted jobs, career scope, details about this and much more.No more standing in long queues to pay electricity bills or walking that extra mile to get a bottle of juice. All they need to do is to log on to the relevant website and go clicking with the mouse.The social networking sites are one of the reasons for the growing popularity of the internet among people across the world.Internet has been able to connect people who are far apart.It is a fact that internet has brought more convenience into society and allowed many people to be closer.However,people should take responsibility to balance the use of the internet so that other aspects of their lives will not become neglected.Apart from these, there are lots of myriad sectors where the internet has played wonders. Some of them are healthcare, sports, manufacturing and retail, public administration, banking and lots more. With the advancement in science and technology, more and more sectors are coming under the purview of the internet and the boom is expected to become boomer with the passage of time.


    In today’s talent-based economy, the workforce itself is arguably the most important tangible asset of most organizations. Despite its importance, this asset is often not carefully planned, measured or optimized. This means that many organizations are not sufficiently aware of the current or future workforce gaps that will limit execution of business strategy. Yet at the same time, boards of directors, CEOs and chief human resources officers will frequently declare that workforce planning and data- driven decision-making is a top priority for their organizations. While it is difficult to understand this apparent gap between intent and execution, the most obvious cause is a lack of consistent objectives regarding the outputs of workforce planning, and a lack of consistent process by which organizations conduct workforce planning and predictive modeling. Organizations need an approach that moves workforce planning from the domain of “futurists,” where only a few people live, to the domain of operational effectiveness, where management is accustomed to spending its time and energy.For any big organizations to grow and expand their operations successfully it's important to plan human resource of the organization very carefully . All organizations have same technology and capital but it's human resource of the organization which can bring changes as every business has different manpower.

    Overcoming Traditional Barriers to Workforce Planning

    Workforce planning has topped the wish list of HR executives for years, but it has consistently been one of the most difficult programs to launch within HR. There are myriad reasons, but the most common are:

    Time frame. Many managers are focused on executing current-year results, but workforce planning has typically addressed a longer time frame and doesn’t show immediate gains that can help meet this year’s results.
    Data integrity concerns when “getting out of the gate.” Managers are reluctant to review future plans when they feel that they can’t get a proper view of current head count.
    Control. Some managers have gut feelings and don’t want to reference data without a compelling data story. There is no opportunity to shift this stance until managers experience the actual pain that could have been avoided through workforce planning.
    Detail. Organizations have a hard time settling on the appropriate level of granularity of workforce planning, or their job taxonomy. It’s generally understood that a workforce plan has to distinguish one type of job from the next, but is it sufficient to look at broad labor categories, narrower job families, individual jobs, or actual skillsets? So many organizations get into self-imposed delays in rolling out their planning program by trying to find the perfect level at which to plan. From a planning perspective, however, if organizations could start by planning out high-level job categories, this is a great start, and may be enough.
    Forecasting. Traditional forecasting methods are poor at predicting the actual individuals at risk for turnover and retirement, and, thus, are not sufficiently actionable.


    The arrival of the jets was met with great excitement by the Indian Press with numerous outlets lauding the government's conviction in its drive to modernise the country's military.Prior to touchdown of the jets, the Express Tribune was not alone in diverting attention from how the jets will enhance the IAF's capabilities toward the supposed “political debate” around the deal.The five Rafale fighter jets that land in Ambala on Wednesday morning will resurrect the Number 17 Golden Arrows squadron of the Indian Air Force. It will take the IAF’s squadron strength to 31. When all the 36 Rafale jets are delivered by 2022, it will take it to 32 squadrons, still well below the 42 squadrons of the sanctioned strength.
    The state-of-the-art 4.5 Generation Rafale jet can reach almost double the speed of sound, with a top speed of 1.8 Mach. With its multi-role capabilities, including electronic warfare, air defence, ground support and in-depth strikes, the Rafale lends air superiority to the Indian Air Force.The state-of-the-art 4.5 Generation Rafale jet can reach almost double the speed of sound, with a top speed of 1.8 Mach. With its multi-role capabilities, including electronic warfare, air defence, ground support and in-depth strikes, the Rafale lends air superiority to the Indian Air Force.The Indian Rafales carry the RB series of tail numbers, named after current Air Force Chief RKS Bhadauria. The Rafale weapons package outguns all other weapons systems in the region and will give India the ability to engage Pakistani jets from a distance without being tracked. Also, the air to ground SCALP missile will be able to take down virtually any target within Pakistani soil with dead accuracy. Precision long-range ground attack missile that can take out targets with extreme accuracy.Has a range of much over 300 km which means that for the Balakote operation, Indian jets would not have needed to cross over the Line of Control and could have conducted the strike from well within own airspace.
    While other nations, including France and Egypt operate the Rafale, the ones supplied to India are more advanced versions, modified to meet specific requirement
    Helmet mounted sights and targeting system to give the pilots lightening quick ability to shoot off weapons.
    Ability to taken off from high altitude airbases like Leh on a 'cold start' - for quick reaction deployment
    Towed decoy system to thwart incoming missile attacks
    French industrial support for fighter for 50 years
    Compared to the current top edge SU 30 MKI fighter jet in the IAF, the Rafale fares much higher –
    1) Loitering capability: 1.5 times of Su 30MKI
    2) Range 780-1055 km vs 400-550 of Su 30MKI
    3) 5 sorties per 24 hours against 3 by Su 30MKI
    With the induction of Rafale fighter jets in the air force, India will not have to cross the borders to "eliminate the terror camps" in Pakistan but can do it from the country itself, Now that India have the jets, "if we have to eliminate the terror camps, there will be no need to take the planes to Pakistan. We can do it from India".Indian government is focusing on increasing the strength of the Indian military day by day.
    Wing span: 10.90 m
    Length: 15.30 m
    Height: 5.30 m
    Overall empty weight: 10 tonnes
    External load: 9.5 tonnes
    Max. take-off weight: 24.5 tonnes
    Fuel (internal): 4.7 tonnes
    Fuel (external): up to 6.7 tonnes
    Ferry Range: 3,700 km
    Top Speed: 1.8 Mach at high altitude
    Landing ground run: 450 m (1,500 ft)
    Service ceiling: 50,000 ft


    Microsoft said Sunday it will continue talks to buy short-form video app TikTok after its chief executive spoke with President Trump, following a weekend of uncertainty clouding the future of the Chinese-owned app.Microsoft said in a blog post that chief executive Satya Nadella and Trump had spoken and that the company is committed to addressing Trump’s concerns about the social media platform. Trump previously indicated he was not in favor of a deal and said that he planned to ban TikTok in the United States.The president had also been weighing options over the past few days to force Beijing-based parent company ByteDance to divest in TikTok in the United States because of national security concerns, according to people familiar with the talks who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss them publicly.Microsoft confirmed it will “move quickly” on discussions with ByteDance and said it has given the U.S. government notice of a possible acquisition of the U.S. assets of TikTok .This is the first time Microsoft has confirmed that the company is in talks for Microsoft to purchase TikTok operations in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.Buying TikTok would put Microsoft in a powerful position to compete with Facebook and Google’s YouTube, which operate dominant social media sites. Microsoft has focused mainly on enterprise software for the past decade, though it does own professional networking site LinkedIn.
    Its absence from the social media market could also make it more likely regulators will approve Microsoft buying TikTok.

    Trump’s vow to ban TikTok reflects GOP’s anti-China posture ahead of elections
    If Microsoft buys TikTok, it would also solve an ongoing issue for Republicans and Trump, who has attacked TikTok as a prominent target in his crackdown against China amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.
    The continuing discussions, which Microsoft said it expected to conclude by Sept. 15, hinged largely on buy-in from the Trump administration.
    Reason why Microsoft is buying TikTok
    Microsoft isn’t exactly tech's most consumer-friendly company. Just think of the long list of doomed products marooned over the years: Groove Music, Mixer streaming service, the social network Socl, the Windows Phone, the Zune digital music player. But Microsoft aspires to break out of its Windows desktop, suit-and-tie, 9-5 image to capture more of the consumer market. Early on in 2007, it saw the potential for social media, investing $240 million in Facebook at a $15-billion valuation and even offering to buy Mark Zuckerberg's company outright.

    A TikTok acquisition would deliver something that has eluded the software giant for years: a major platform to rival Facebook and Google-owned YouTube. And it could remake its image with young people.
    TikTok, which is owned by China's ByteDance, is quickly emerging as a potent competitor to Snapchat, Facebook and Facebook-owned Instagram, says eMarketer analyst Debra Aho Williamson.
    “Getting TikTok would give it another chance to get in on a fast-growing, youth-oriented social media property and be a way to try to get back at Facebook for spurning its advances," Williamson said in a statement.
    TikTok would boost Microsoft’s share of the U.S. digital display ad market. This year, eMarketer predicts Microsoft to hold just 1.5% of that market, slightly ahead of Snapchat but well behind Facebook’s 42% and Google’s 10.4%.
    A TikTok acquisition would be a "crown jewel" snapped up at a discount, "an asset with 100 million users, massive momentum, engagement, advertising revenue.


    The term domestic violence is used in many countries to refer to intimate partner violence, but it also encompasses child and elder abuse, and abuse by any member of a household. While women alone don’t face domestic violence, the rates of violence and abuse directed at women are high, particularly from perpetrators known to them. According to the World Health Organization, one in every three women across the globe experience physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime; and at least 30 percent of all women in relationships have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by their partners. Fuelled by mandatory stay-at-home rules, physical distancing, economic uncertainties, and anxieties caused by the pandemic, domestic violence has increased globally. Across the world, countries including China, United States, United Kingdom, Brazil, Tunisia, France, Australia, and others have reported cases of increased domestic violence and intimate partner violence. India, infamous for gender-based violence (and ranked the fourth worst country for gender equality, according to public perception), is showing similar trends.
    Recent data released by the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) suggest that the nationwide lockdown has led to a rapid increase in cases of domestic violence. The data, which is categorized according to cases in different states suggest that Uttarakhand recorded the highest number of domestic violence cases .Haryana ranks on number two and the national capital Delhi on number three.Some shocking numbers were revealed in the report which mentioned that a total of 144 cases of domestic violence were reported in Uttarakhand. From Haryana, the number of cases were 79 and a total of 69 cases surfaced from Delhi.
    The situation of increase in cases of domestic violence is not restricted to only India. The lockdown has brought the world to a standstill. The lives of women across the globe, who are in an abusive relationship have also come to a halt. The same violence is repeated and perpetrated frequently, and on a regular basis during the lockdown. Various domestic violence helplines and organizations all over the world are working constantly to deal with this global issue.

    When governments start putting together plans to respond to crises such as COVID-19, addressing domestic violence must be prioritised. In India, the government seems to have overlooked the need to formally integrate domestic violence and mental health repercussions into the public health preparedness and emergency response plans against the pandemic.
    We need an aggressive nationwide campaign to promote awareness about domestic violence, and highlight the various modes through which complaints can be filed. National news channels, radio channels, and social media platforms must be strategically used, similar to the way in which the government has deployed campaigns advocating for physical distancing and hand washing to combat COVID-19.


    Sanskrit is the most ancient language and perfect among the great languages in the world.It is the greatest treasure given to the world by ancient India.Sanskrit is universally recognized as the language containing the earliest literature in the world. It has been established as one of the ancient branches of the Indo-European family of languages, an elder sister of the ancient classical languages of Europe like Greek and Latin; modern North Indian languages are derived from it, and even the South Indian languages are saturated with Sanskrit words. For expanding the vocabulary to cope with the development of civilization, all languages of India and some of the neighboring languages like Singhalese, Burmese and Malaysian depend heavily on Sanskrit loan words.
    In 1783, the colonial stage in Bengal saw the entrance of William Jones who was appointed judge of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William. In the next couple of years, Jones established himself as an authority on ancient Indian language and culture, a field of study that was hitherto untouched. His obsession with the linguistic past of the subcontinent, led him to propose that there existed an intimate relationship between Sanskrit and languages spoken in Europe.Jones’ claim rested on the evidence of several Sanskrit words that had similarities with Greek and Latin. For instance, the Sanskrit word for ‘three’, that is ‘trayas’, is similar to the Latin ‘tres’ and the Greek ‘treis’. Similarly, the Sanskrit for ‘snake’, is ‘sarpa’, which shares a phonetic link with ‘serpens’ in Latin. As he studied the languages further, it became clearer that apart from Greek and Latin, Sanskrit words could be found in most other European languages. For instance, ‘mata’ or mother in Sanskrit, is ‘mutter’ in German. ‘Dan’ or ‘to give’ in Sanskrit is ‘donor’ in Spanish.
    The question of the ancestral homeland of the Indo-European languages has, for more than two centuries, intrigued scholars. The issue has also led to several upheavals in the modern world, and continues to shape theories of racial supremacy. Yet, newer scholarship has shown that even though Sanskrit did indeed share a common ancestral homeland with European and Iranian languages, it had also borrowed quite a bit from pre-existing Indian languages in India.When any language is spoken by unqualified people the pronunciation of the word changes to some extent; and when these words travel by word of mouth to another region of the land, with the gap of some generations, it permanently changes its form and shape to some extent. Just like the Sanskrit word matri, with a long ‘a’ and soft ‘t,’ became mater in Greek and mother in English. The last two words are called the ‘apbhransh’ of the original Sanskrit word ‘matri.’ Such apbhranshas of Sanskrit words are found in all the languages of the world and this situation itself proves that Sanskrit was the mother language of the world.
    It is quite evident from the above statements that Sanskrit is the source of all the languages of the world and not a derivation of any language. As such, Sanskrit is the Divine mother language of the world.


    A massive blast on 4 August has caused widespread damage in the port area of the city of Beirut in Lebanon, with 100 people reported dead and 4000 injured. Here’s what we know so far.The blast was caused by 2750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored in a warehouse at the port. What set it off isn’t yet clear, but it was almost certainly a fire nearby. There are reports that a container of fireworks was burning. “100 per cent of explosions of ammonium nitrate in storage are due to uncontrolled fires,” says Vyto Babrauskas, a New York-based consultant who has written several papers on ammonium nitrate accidents.Primary observations by the experts first point serious lack of maintaining safety norms at the explosive storage. There are also questions about how ammonium nitrate and another source of fire possibly firecrackers in this case were present so close to each other.Several of Beirut's hospitals were damaged in the blast. Outside the St. George University Hospital in Beirut's Achrafieh neighborhood, people with various injuries arrived in ambulances, in cars and on foot. The explosion had caused major damage inside the building and knocked out the electricity. Dozens of injured were being treated on the spot on the street outside, on stretchers and wheelchairs.

    The sudden devastation overwhelmed a country already struggling with both the coronavirus pandemic and a severe economic and financial crisis. For hours after the explosion, the most destructive in all of Lebanon's troubled history, ambulances rushed in from around the country to carry away the wounded. Hospitals quickly filled beyond capacity, pleading for blood supplies, and generators to keep their lights on.

    There have been numerous explosions around the world due to ammonium nitrate. The worst was in 1947, when more than 500 people died in Texas City during the unloading of a ship carrying 2300 tonnes of ammonium nitrate. The most recent was in West, Texas, in 2013, when 15 people died after an explosion in a fertiliser warehouse. Video footage of that explosion resembles that from Beirut, says Babrauskas. “Beirut is the same thing, just done bigger.Experts say that the world over, the main obstacles in regulating ammonium nitrate is its widespread use in industry and agriculture. While a legislative framework exists, repeated examples of misuse and mishaps show that a lot more needs to be done.”


    A massive blast on 4 August has caused widespread damage in the port area of the city of Beirut in Lebanon, with 100 people reported dead and 4000 injured. Here’s what we know so far.The blast was caused by 2750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored in a warehouse at the port. What set it off isn’t yet clear, but it was almost certainly a fire nearby. There are reports that a container of fireworks was burning. “100 per cent of explosions of ammonium nitrate in storage are due to uncontrolled fires,” says Vyto Babrauskas, a New York-based consultant who has written several papers on ammonium nitrate accidents.Primary observations by the experts first point serious lack of maintaining safety norms at the explosive storage. There are also questions about how ammonium nitrate and another source of fire possibly firecrackers in this case were present so close to each other.Several of Beirut's hospitals were damaged in the blast. Outside the St. George University Hospital in Beirut's Achrafieh neighborhood, people with various injuries arrived in ambulances, in cars and on foot. The explosion had caused major damage inside the building and knocked out the electricity. Dozens of injured were being treated on the spot on the street outside, on stretchers and wheelchairs.

    The sudden devastation overwhelmed a country already struggling with both the coronavirus pandemic and a severe economic and financial crisis. For hours after the explosion, the most destructive in all of Lebanon's troubled history, ambulances rushed in from around the country to carry away the wounded. Hospitals quickly filled beyond capacity, pleading for blood supplies, and generators to keep their lights on.

    There have been numerous explosions around the world due to ammonium nitrate. The worst was in 1947, when more than 500 people died in Texas City during the unloading of a ship carrying 2300 tonnes of ammonium nitrate. The most recent was in West, Texas, in 2013, when 15 people died after an explosion in a fertiliser warehouse. Video footage of that explosion resembles that from Beirut, says Babrauskas. “Beirut is the same thing, just done bigger.Experts say that the world over, the main obstacles in regulating ammonium nitrate is its widespread use in industry and agriculture. While a legislative framework exists, repeated examples of misuse and mishaps show that a lot more needs to be done.”


    The people of our country apparently continue to have faith in our judges and the justice delivery system—and if they did not, there would be chaos. But unfortunately, the faith has been shaken by events of the last couple of years and unless we are rescued from the quicksand through very quick corrective measures, all of us will find ourselves in the sinkhole."It is said that justice delayed is justice denied. In this context, it is very sad that the number of pending cases in our country is very high. Supreme Court has 63,800 pending cases, High Courts have 44 lakh such cases, while districts and lower courts have around two crore pending cases. Due to these pending cases, our citizens lose faith in judiciary," Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan said.She was addressing the sixth convocation function of the Gujarat National Law University at Gandhinagar.
    Asha Devi, the mother of the Nirbhaya victim said she was disappointed with the third deferral of the hanging date and claimed that the convicts are able to get whatever they want. Her remarks came after a Delhi Court deferred the hanging of all four convicts in the case since one of the convicts appealed to the President for mercy.
    Once people lose confidence in judiciary due to it's abnormal delay in delivering justice, the whole system will get collapsed.“People have put and reposed faith in the courts, judiciary and the justice delivery system. People come to court with high hopes. They come to the court considering the court as a “Temple of Justice”. Therefore, it is the duty of the judiciary to rise to the occasion and see to it that the faith and trust of the people in the judiciary are not shaken.”Justice is delayed as well as denied I'm the country. Many recent verdicts reflect the resentment in public. This is partly because of opposing verdicts on similar offences or similar verdicts on dissimilar offences. A person is incarcerated for years without any criminal charge while criminals are let off by the courts without impunity. Such instances of debatable controversial verdicts are on the rise leading to loosing faith in judicial system. Moreover, verdicts are being influenced by politicians and political system is very much interfering in judicial process. Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal said people were “expressing happiness” over the police encounter of the four accused in the rape and murder of a veterinary doctor in Telangana because they were “agitated” over such incidents taking place across India.Expressing concern over people’s “loss of faith” in the criminal justice system and investigation agencies, he said, “People across the country are agitated over reports of horrible rape and murder incidents happening across the country that have come to light of late -- whether it is Hyderabad or Unnao .That’s a reason why people are expressing happiness and satisfaction over the police encounter in Hyderabad.” .

    “It is also something to be worried about, the way people have lost their faith in the criminal justice system. This demands introspection and all governments must come forward and work together towards strengthening the criminal justice system and investigating agencies,” Kejriwal said an event.
    Indian government needs to work high on legal system of the country in order to protect the rights of it's people.


    More and more people (including Doctors and Scientists) are turning to positive thinking because it is a powerful tool for transforming your inner self into an amazing health generating, and self-healing entity. Optimistic people have discovered that the human mind has the power to turn wishes into reality through positive thinking. Researchers continue to find increasing evidence pointing to the many benefits of positive thinking. According to a Stanford Research Institute study - success is 88 percent positive thinking, and only 12 percent education. Therefore, positive thinking is an important factor in your ability to succeed in life.Positive thinking is an optimistic state of mind that always sees the bright side of life and focuses on the glass being half full instead of half empty. Positive thinking is a mental attitude that produces constructive results. Positive thinking brings inner satisfaction, happiness, peace and better health; improves relationships and attracts success into your life. While we all have this powerful tool, many of us are not aware of it.Some long term studies on positive thinking and health have been conducted that confirms positive thinking strengthens the immune system and assists in healing. The evidence so far affirms that positive thinking leads to positive outcomes. Perhaps the greatest contribution made by psychology and neuroscience is that positive thinking is linked with virtues like kindness and compassion, and in proving that positive thinking leads to "wealth" of mind, body, and soul.Each person is capable of programming their own mind to achieve what they desire. By learning to direct your thinking, you can change the way you behave and achieve a positive mindset. With a positive mindset, you always expect more joy, happiness, better health, greater success which also helps you reduce your stress levels. Basically, whatever your mind thinks and believes is what you expect. Anticipate positive situations and you'll get positive outcomes. So, taking charge of your mind becomes a vital factor in keeping your body healthy. You can do this through affirmations and by consciously relaxing your mind through meditation.
    People with positive thinking mentality look at the bright side of life and anticipate happiness, health and success. Such people, are confident that they can overcome any obstacle and difficulty they might face.

    Positive thinking is not a concept that everyone believes and follows. Some, consider it as nonsense, and scoff at people who follow it. However, there is a growing number of people, who accept the power of positive thinking as a fact, and believe in its effectiveness.Norman Vincent Peale was an American minister and author, who popularized the concept of positive thinking, especially through his book ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’, which was published 1952.In his book, he provided practical instructions designed to help the reader achieve an optimistic attitude. These techniques involved using affirmations and visualizations.With a positive attitude we experience pleasant and happy feelings. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy, and happiness. Our whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even our health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall, our voice is more powerful, and our body language shows the way we feel.People are more disposed to help us, if we are positive, and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity.
    Negative thoughts, words and attitude, create negative and unhappy feelings, moods and behavior. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment.


    Media plays an important role in politics as it influences public opinion and helps define and take up the issues. It can keep the powerful in check by seeking transparency in their actions.An independent media is an effective check on government’s power and influence over its citizens. In fact, with the emergence of TV and Radio networks, many governments in Europe and America brought about legislations so that the broadcast media did not deviate from neutral position.
    Yet before we dig the issue more, it would be apt to refer to media’s role in defining the political future of our country during the recent elections.We all know that media and politics enjoy a symbiotic relationship. Simply speaking, none of the politicians, how powerful they may be, can afford to neglect media. Yet, only those who are media-savvy and know how to play within the media rules can use them to their advantage (The US President Barack Obama is a good example of such media-savvy candidates who understood media’s constraints and could wield a mass appeal).
    Compare Modi’s combative appearance in the media with that of the Congress’s Rahul Gandhi’s whose fortunes tumbled after just one shaky appearance in a widely seen television interview. This just one interview of Rahul demonstrated effectively that elections are won or lost over media.
    A free media is considered the watchdog of the government. A stock of the media behaviour, therefore, is crucial largely because of the process of agenda setting and gate keeping attached with media. Every media student knows that media acts as gatekeeper in setting the limits for political discussion and sometimes even candidacies for public office.A disconcerting fact is media being an oligopoly. This is a concern in many liberal democracies as this means only a few individuals have enormous powers to influence political opinion and destabilise a political establishment.Hence, it is important that media doesn’t set the agenda of the select big business houses that control it. That only journalistic considerations form the basis of gate keeping. Else the polity of a nation would be threatened by crony capitalism – an unholy nexus of politicians and big business houses. Any such prospect would spell doom for our democratic political structure.The media has immense power within the American democracy because just about all Americans get their news from cable news and social media rather than hard news sources. The problem today is these very people who report the news are biased towards one candidate or the other, as we have learned in the Trump-Clinton campaigns.
    According to the journalist Thomas Carlyle “Media is often called the fifth branch of governments After the Congress, the President, the Supreme Court, and the federal bureaucracy, saying that no other institution has such an impact on governments as the media has”. Well I think I have to agree with Thomas even though the media members are not elected by the people and its motives are often driven by profit. When we listen or hear the media we tend to believe it because we assume they have done some research and the information we are receiving is true.
    According to the journalist Thomas Carlyle “Media is often called the fifth branch of governments After the Congress, the President, the Supreme Court, and the federal bureaucracy, saying that no other institution has such an impact on governments as the media has”. Well I think I have to agree with Thomas even though the media members are not elected by the people and its motives are often driven by profit. When we listen or hear the media we tend to believe it because we assume they have done some research and the information we are receiving is true.
