Global Thematic Webinar on ‘Promotion of Cultural and Creative Industries and Creative Economy’

 As a part of the series of Global Thematic Webinars being organised by the Culture Working Group (CWG) under India’s G20 Presidency, the third webinar on “Promotion of Cultural and Creative Industries and Creative Economy” is scheduled on 19 April 2023, from 12.30 pm to 8.30 pm (IST).

The webinar will reflect on the current trends, challenges, and opportunities of the cultural and creative industries, bringing together experts from G20 members and guest nations, as well as relevant international organisations. Organised by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, the webinar is being hosted and facilitated by UNESCO (Paris), knowledge partner of CWG.

The cultural and creative industries and creative economy, play a significant role in shaping our global landscape, contributing 3.1% to the worldwide Gross Domestic Product. This substantial economic impact contributes to the enrichment of our social and cultural fabric. Notably, the cultural and creative sector employs more people in the age group of 15-29, compared to any other and therefore demonstrates a strong potential for fostering youth employment.

Although the cultural sector makes a substantial contribution to the global economy, its long-term growth is hindered by the absence of a standard definition of the creative economy and insufficient collection of cultural data contributing to its informal nature. Today, 60% of the global creative economy is informal. These challenges not only affect the status of cultural practitioners but also have greater impacts on the larger economy.

The objective of this webinar is to foster an inclusive dialogue and facilitate an in-depth discussion from an expert driven perspective on promoting cultural and creative industries and creative economy. It seeks to encourage knowledge sharing; capitalise on the best practices and experiences; identify gaps, needs, and opportunities for increasing the creative economy’s share in the global GDP and improving cultural data collection for the creation of satellite accounts for the sector, a key step towards its formalisation. Being a subset of the national accounts, these will help better understand the economic impact of the sector and provide policy-makers with comprehensive data for developing policies and strategies that promote the growth and development of the sector. The webinar will also inform the reflection of the G20 membership in formulating tangible outcomes.

It will have three speaking segments and experts will be distributed across these segments based on their respective time zones. The webinar will be moderated successively by representatives of ILO, UNCTAD and WIPO with expertise on the topic. It will be live streamed on the YouTube channel of UNESCO (Paris). The final global thematic webinar is scheduled on 20 April 2023 and will discuss “Leveraging Digital Technologies for the Protection and Promotion of Culture”.


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