Guide to Start your own Card Store

 If you are passionate about the importance of cards and have a passion for a piece of good stationery, why not put your efforts to work and start a business in the card industry. 

Choose your niche

Finding your niche market is super important because it will allow you to build your craft and build a devoted customer base at the same time. Having a niche will give you a stronger selling point to market to customers. Take some time to think about what type of greeting cards catch your attention. When you choose your niche, it is important to consider more than just your taste. 

Write a business plan

Writing a business plan is an extremely important step toward learning how to start a card business. Writing a business plan can be a bit overwhelming if you are not sure where to start. 

Choose a business name

Every good business needs a memorable name. Before using a business name, you should make sure it is legally available. 

Choose a business entity

Another important decision you will likely make while writing your business plan is what business entity is right for your business. 

Define your products and services

When you identified your niche, you took the first step toward defining your products and services. 

Find a spot to sell your cards

A storefront may be your dream down the line to sell cards, but there are other great options for selling cards that have lower overhead costs.

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